Starting a Chiropractic Practice

The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Chiropractic Practice from Start to Finish

May 9, 2024


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Checklist to Starting a Chiropractic Practice

Let me guess. Starting your own chiropractic practice feels like a mix of pure, jump up & down excitement and “where the heck do I even start?!”—it’s exciting, nerve-wracking, and absolutely life-changing. Whether you’re fresh out of chiropractic school or looking to branch out after years of experience, getting your own practice off the ground is a journey that requires careful planning and a whole lot of heart. To help you navigate this thrilling venture, here’s an essential checklist for starting a chiropractic practice to ensure you’re ready to open those doors with confidence.

1. Develop Your Business Plan When Starting a Chiropractic Practice

Creating a business plan to starting a chiropractic practice is like mapping out a personalized care plan for each patient—it must be tailored, detailed, and designed to navigate you towards success. A well-structured business plan lays a solid foundation, providing clarity and direction as you start this entrepreneurial journey. Here’s how to ensure your business plan is as robust and effective as possible:


By establishing well-defined goals, you enable your practice to maintain focus, allocate resources efficiently, and gauge progress in concrete terms. Whether it’s expanding your patient base, enhancing patient satisfaction, or increasing the efficiency of your operations, each objective should support your broader mission and drive your practice towards its ultimate vision. 

Let’s explore how to articulate these objectives to ensure they are not only clear and relevant but also inspire your team to achieve exceptional results:

  • Short-term Goals: These could include launching your practice within a year, establishing a patient base of 100 within six months, or developing a referral network with other local healthcare providers.
  • Long-term Goals: Consider where you want your practice to be in five to ten years. Perhaps you aim to expand to multiple locations or integrate advanced technological diagnostics and treatment options.


Defining the vision and mission of your chiropractic practice will guide every decision and action within your clinic. These foundational elements act as your practice’s north star, helping to align your team’s efforts with your overarching goals and ensuring that every aspect of your service delivery resonates with purpose. 

A clear vision paints the picture of what you aspire to achieve in the long run, while a well-articulated mission statement outlines how you plan to get there, day by day. This strategic alignment is essential not only for maintaining focus but also for inspiring your team and communicating your value to patients. On a piece of paper, start defining these business plan components:

  • Vision Statement: This is where you dream big. What impact do you want your practice to have on your community or the chiropractic field? Perhaps your vision is to revolutionize the approach to sports recovery or to provide holistic family care that empowers every family member to lead a healthier life.
  • Mission Statement: Here’s where you connect your daily operations to your grand vision. Your mission might be to provide compassionate, individualized care that enhances each patient’s quality of life, using state-of-the-art technology and evidence-based practices.


checklist for starting a chiropractic practice

Before you can effectively market your services, you need a deep understanding of who needs them. This involves identifying and analyzing your target market, which includes potential patients who would benefit most from your chiropractic care.

  • Market Research: Conduct surveys, focus groups, and research to gather information about your potential patients’ demographics, preferences, and behaviors. Tools like Google Analytics can provide insights into local search trends around chiropractic care.
  • Competitive Analysis: Evaluate other chiropractic services in your area. What are they offering, and what can you do differently or better? This analysis will help you carve out a niche in your local market.


A thorough financial plan is crucial for mapping out the start-up and operational costs of your practice. This includes everything from leasing office space to purchasing equipment and managing cash flow.

  • Budgeting: Outline all anticipated costs, such as leasing or renovating office space, purchasing equipment, marketing expenses, and salaries for any staff. Use tools like Excel or QuickBooks to keep your finances organized.
  • Funding Sources: Determine how much capital you need to start and where it will come from. Will you use personal savings, take out a loan, or seek investors? Each source of funding may come with its own set of implications for your business.
  • Revenue Projections: Based on your market research and service fees, project your revenues for the first few years. Factor in patient visit frequency, potential insurance reimbursements, and other income sources, such as selling orthopedic products.

2. Secure the Necessary Licenses and Credentials

Before you welcome your first patient, obtaining the proper state and local licenses is mandatory. Each state has its own set of regulations and licensing requirements for chiropractors, which typically include passing national and possibly state-specific exams. Additionally, local business licenses may be required, depending on the jurisdiction where your practice will operate. 

  • Research thoroughly: Begin by contacting your state’s chiropractic board to understand the specific licensing requirements. This will typically involve educational prerequisites, examinations, and an application process.
  • Local Permits: Check with your local city or county office to find out if there are additional permits needed, especially concerning health and safety. This can include fire department permits, health department certifications, and zoning compliance approvals if your practice will operate in an area not initially zoned for business use.


Once you’ve handled state and local licensing, don’t overlook the importance of formally registering your business. This step legitimizes your practice and ensures that you’re recognized by government and financial entities, facilitating everything from tax payments to business credit.

  • Register your business entity: Decide whether your practice will operate as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. Each has different implications for liability, taxes, and operational complexity. Registering your business as a corporation or an LLC can provide valuable legal protections.
  • Obtain an EIN: Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. This is essential not only for tax purposes but also if you plan to hire staff. The EIN is free and can be obtained quickly through the IRS website.
  • Open a business bank account: With your EIN, open a bank account specifically for your practice. This helps separate your personal and business finances, simplifying accounting and tax reporting.


Maintaining compliance doesn’t stop with initial licenses and registrations. It’s an ongoing process that requires attention to renewals, staying updated on regulatory changes, and adhering to professional standards. Regularly review your credentials and business status to ensure everything is current and in good standing.

  • Stay informed: Join professional associations such as the American Chiropractic Association, which can provide resources and updates on changes in healthcare regulations and business practices.
  • Renew licenses and permits: Set calendar reminders for the renewal dates of all your licenses and permits. Late renewals can result in fines or even temporary closure of your practice.

By taking these steps, you establish a strong legal foundation when starting a chiropractic practice, ensuring that you meet all regulatory requirements and are set up for success. This attention to detail will not only protect you from legal pitfalls but also instill confidence in your patients, knowing they are being cared for by a fully accredited and compliant practitioner.

3. Develop Your Brand Identity

checklist for starting a chiropractic practice

Creating a strong brand identity is essential for distinguishing your chiropractic practice from competitors and building a lasting relationship with your community. Your brand is more than just a logo or a color scheme; it’s the emotional and psychological connection you establish with your patients. It conveys your practice’s values, your approach to care, and the unique benefits you offer. Here’s how you can build a compelling brand identity:


Decide how you want your practice to be perceived. Are you aiming for a modern, cutting-edge clinic, or a warm, family-friendly practice? Your brand personality should reflect the values and tone that resonate with your target audience.

  • Consistency is Key: Ensure that your brand’s visual elements (logo, color scheme, typography) and tone of voice are consistent across all platforms. From your website to your social media profiles, from patient brochures to your office decor, a consistent brand helps reinforce your identity and makes your practice more recognizable.
  • Have a Chiro Website Designed: Whether you go the DIY route or have a chiropractic website designed by a professional, you’ll need a website that you can send your potential patients to for booking! Here at HerPractice™, we have two incredible options for chiro web design:
  • Develop a Memorable Logo: Your logo is often the first visual cue that potential patients will associate with your practice. Design a logo that is simple, memorable, and reflects the chiropractic services you offer. Consider professional help from a graphic designer to ensure high-quality, versatile design work that can be used across various mediums.
  • Create a Brand Story: Every practice has a story. Perhaps you were inspired to pursue chiropractic care through personal experience, or you’re passionate about holistic wellness. A compelling brand story can engage your audience emotionally, making your practice more relatable and trustworthy.


Identify what sets you apart from other chiropractors in your area. It could be your specialized expertise, your approach to patient care, or the unique combination of services you offer. Make sure this USP is clear in your branding materials, helping potential patients understand why they should choose you over others.


A professional brand photoshoot for your chiropractic practice is a powerful tool for conveying the essence of your brand through compelling imagery. High-quality photos not only enhance the visual appeal of your marketing materials but also help humanize your brand, making your practice more relatable and approachable.

  • Plan Your Objectives: Before the shoot, clearly define what you want to achieve. Are you updating your website, need fresh content for social media, or creating brochures? Knowing your objectives will guide the types of photos you need, whether they’re portraits, action shots of treatments, or detailed images of your clinic and equipment.
  • Showcase Authentic Interactions: Include images that capture genuine interactions between you and your patients (with their permission). Photos that depict a caring and professional treatment session can be very effective in building trust with potential clients.
  • Utilize the Photos Across All Channels: Make the most of your investment by using the photos across all your marketing platforms. Update your website, social media profiles, and print materials with these new images to maintain a cohesive and attractive brand presence. High-quality images can dramatically increase engagement and help your practice stand out in a crowded market.

Investing time and resources into building a strong brand identity will not only help attract new patients but also foster loyalty and advocacy among your existing ones. A well-defined brand can transform your practice, creating a professional image that inspires trust and exudes professionalism, ultimately contributing to the success and growth of your chiropractic business.

4. Find the Perfect Location When Starting a Chiropractic Practice

Choosing the right location is pivotal. You want a space that’s accessible, welcoming, and professional. Whether it’s a bustling city center or an at-home chiropractic office, make sure it aligns with your target demographic’s accessibility. Consider parking availability, public transportation options, and overall ease of access. The physical space should have enough room for all your equipment, a waiting area, and private offices for consultations.

  • Conduct demographic research: Use tools like the U.S. Census data to understand the population in different areas. Look for demographics that match your target market, including age, income levels, and general health concerns.
  • Scout multiple locations: Visit various potential locations during different times of the day and week to get a sense of traffic patterns and the general vibe. Pay attention to the behavior and lifestyle of people in the area to ensure alignment with the type of patients you wish to attract.
  • Consult with real estate professionals: Find a realtor who specializes in commercial properties to help you find spaces that meet your specifications. Their expertise can be invaluable in assessing potential sites.


Your practice’s location should be easily accessible to ensure it is convenient for patients to visit. This means considering not only public transportation routes and stops nearby but also the availability of parking. A clinic that’s challenging to get to is less likely to attract the steady flow of patients needed to sustain and grow your business.

  • Check transportation links: Make sure there are adequate public transportation links. Proximity to bus stops or train stations can significantly affect patient accessibility.
  • Evaluate parking options: Ensure there is ample parking. If the property does not include private parking, look for nearby public parking facilities. Consider potential agreements with nearby lots if necessary.

5. Optimizing Your Physical Space

Once the location is settled, the next step is ensuring the physical space suits the operational needs of your clinic. The layout should allow for an efficient flow between the waiting area, treatment rooms, and private offices. Each area should be configured to support the specific activities that will occur, from reception to treatment spaces.

Your clinic’s environment plays a crucial role in how patients perceive and respond to their treatments. Opt for a design that evokes calm and healing. Soft, natural lighting, comforting colors, and minimalistic decor can help create a stress-free atmosphere. Invest in high-quality, comfortable furniture both for your patients and for the working areas.

  • Plan the layout: Before signing a lease, plan out the space to ensure it can accommodate all your needs. Consider the patient experience from the moment they enter the clinic to the time they leave.
  • Consult with a designer: If possible, work with an interior designer who has experience in medical or wellness spaces. They can provide insights into creating a welcoming yet functional environment.
  • Ensure compliance with regulations: Make sure the space complies with all relevant health and safety regulations, including accessibility standards such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

By meticulously choosing and setting up your practice’s clinic, you not only optimize its operational efficiency but also enhance its appeal to potential patients, setting the stage for a thriving chiropractic practice. Remember, the right location does more than house your practice; it reflects its ethos and enhances its potential to heal and thrive.

6. Invest in Quality Chiropractic Equipment

The equipment you choose is not just a tool; it’s a direct extension of your care and expertise. Investing in high-quality chiropractic equipment is pivotal to the success of your practice. High-quality, reliable equipment enhances your ability to provide effective, precise treatments and plays a critical role in patient safety and comfort. Whether it’s an adjustment table, diagnostic tools, or rehabilitative devices, each piece should meet the highest standards of quality and functionality. Remember, your choice of equipment will reflect on your practice’s professional image and can significantly influence patient outcomes and satisfaction.


When selecting the equipment for your chiropractic practice, focus on reliability and efficacy. Here are some guidelines to ensure you make informed purchasing decisions:

  • Research thoroughly: Before making any purchases, conduct extensive research into the different brands and models available. Read reviews, ask for recommendations from fellow chiropractors, and attend industry expos to see the equipment firsthand.
  • Adjustment Tables: Invest in a well-made adjustment table that suits the variety of treatments you plan to offer. Look for tables that are adjustable and ergonomic, to cater to a wide range of patient sizes and conditions.
  • Diagnostic Tools: Choose diagnostic tools that offer precision and ease of use. From posture analysis software to X-ray systems, ensure these tools are compliant with industry standards and can integrate smoothly into your practice’s operations.
  • Rehabilitative Devices: For practices that include rehabilitative services, selecting high-quality therapy equipment such as resistance bands, exercise balls, and TENS machines is crucial. These should be durable and safe for all patients to use.


Investing in quality equipment is just the first step. Maintaining these tools so that they continue to function at their best is equally important. Regular maintenance not only extends the lifespan of your equipment but also ensures that it remains safe and effective for treating patients.

  • Regular Checks: Implement a regular maintenance schedule for all your equipment. Check for signs of wear and tear, and ensure that all moving parts are functioning smoothly.
  • Professional Servicing: Some equipment may require professional servicing to maintain optimal functionality. Keep a log of service dates and any repairs or upgrades made.
  • Training and Updates: Ensure that you and your staff are trained to use each piece of equipment properly. Also, stay updated on new technologies or upgrades that could enhance treatment options or improve patient experience.

By prioritizing the investment in high-quality chiropractic equipment, you not only uphold the standards of your practice but also reinforce a commitment to providing the best possible care. This approach not only benefits your patients but also solidifies your reputation as a top-tier chiropractic provider dedicated to excellence in every aspect of patient care.

7. Market Your Practice

The success of your chiropractic practice hinges not just on the quality of care you provide, but also on how effectively you can market your services. A robust marketing strategy goes beyond simple advertisements; it involves a holistic approach that engages potential patients and builds lasting relationships. 


Social media is an invaluable tool for building an active presence in your community and engaging directly with potential and current patients. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn allow you to share helpful chiropractic tips, success stories, and clinic updates, which can enhance your visibility and credibility:

  • Regular Posts: Create a content calendar to regularly post on social media. Share everything from health tips and blog posts to behind-the-scenes glimpses of your practice. This consistency keeps your audience engaged and informed.
  • Engagement: Use social media to foster interaction. Respond to comments, ask questions, and participate in community discussions. This two-way communication not only builds relationships but also boosts your visibility through increased engagement metrics.
  • Promotions and Offers: Occasionally, run promotions or special offers exclusive to your social media followers. This can be an effective way to convert followers into patients and generate buzz about your services.


checklist for starting a chiropractic practice

While digital marketing is essential, never underestimate the power of personal connections and community involvement. Participating in local events, health fairs, and seminars can position you as a health leader in your community and help build trust and recognition. Networking with other healthcare providers and local businesses can also open doors to referral opportunities and collaborative projects:

  • Participate in Community Events: Look for opportunities to get involved in local events, whether by hosting a booth at a health fair, conducting free spinal screenings, or offering educational talks on chiropractic care.
  • Collaborate with Local Businesses: Partner with local gyms, yoga studios, and wellness centers to offer cross-promotional deals or wellness workshops. This not only broadens your exposure but also positions you as a trusted health resource in the community.
  • Referral Network: Build a referral network with other healthcare professionals. Mutual referral agreements with physical therapists, sports coaches, and even medical doctors can be mutually beneficial.


Paid advertising is a powerful tool to enhance your practice’s visibility and attract new patients quickly. Utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads allows you to target specific demographics and interests, making sure your marketing efforts reach the right audience. Here’s how you can effectively incorporate paid ads into your marketing strategy:

  • Using Facebook and Instagram ads as a Chiropractor offer incredibly detailed targeting options based on location, demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. Use these features to reach potential patients in your area who may be interested in chiropractic care. For instance, target individuals interested in wellness, sports, pain management, or alternative therapies.
    • Create Engaging Visuals: Use high-quality images or videos that highlight the benefits of chiropractic care. Before-and-after scenarios or patient testimonials can be very compelling.
    • Offer Value: Whether it’s a free consultation or a detailed e-book on spine health, give your audience a reason to click on your ad.
    • Test Different Ad Formats: Experiment with different types of ads, like carousel ads that showcase different services or video ads that provide a sneak peek into a patient session.
  • Leverage the power of search by using Google Ads to appear at the top of search results when potential patients are looking for chiropractic services in your area.
    • Use Keywords Effectively: Research and use keywords that potential patients are likely to search for, such as “chiropractor near me” or “best chiropractor in [Your City].”
    • Local Targeting: Use Google’s local search ads to reach people who are searching for a chiropractor nearby. Make sure your Google My Business profile is complete and optimized to improve your visibility.
    • Monitor and Adjust: Keep an eye on your ad performance and adjust your strategy based on which ads bring in the most leads. Google’s analytics tools can help you understand what’s working and what’s not.

By employing a diverse marketing strategy that combines online presence with active community engagement, you can effectively market your chiropractic practice and establish a robust patient base. Remember, successful marketing is about showcasing your expertise and creating meaningful connections that foster a community around your practice, encouraging long-term growth and patient loyalty.

8. Build a Support System

Starting a chiropractic practice can be a daunting endeavor, filled with both exciting opportunities and challenging hurdles. To navigate this landscape successfully, it’s invaluable to have guidance from someone who’s been through it all before. Additionally, building a community of like-minded chiropractors can provide mutual support, shared resources, and a platform for exchanging innovative ideas. Here’s how to cultivate this essential support network:


Look for a mentor who has a proven track record of success in the chiropractic field. This could be someone whose business model you admire, who has considerable experience in a specific area of chiropractic care you wish to specialize in, or simply someone whose advice you trust. A mentor can provide personalized advice, help you avoid common pitfalls, and offer encouragement through your entrepreneurial journey.

  • Reach Out: Start by attending industry conferences, workshops, and seminars where you can connect with potential mentors. Joining professional chiropractic associations can also provide opportunities to meet established practitioners.
  • Formal Mentorship Programs: Consider enrolling in mentorship programs specifically designed for chiropractors. These programs often provide structured guidance that can accelerate your learning and help you build professional relationships.


While having a mentor is invaluable, being part of a broader community of chiropractic professionals can offer diverse perspectives and insights that are beneficial when starting your own practice.

  • Join the HerPractice™️ Community: This community is a  group of women chiros who meet regularly to discuss challenges, share successes, and provide support. Each member benefits from the collective knowledge and experience of the group.
    • As you build these relationships, look for ways to actively contribute and benefit from the community. Share your own experiences and resources, ask for feedback on your ideas, and collaborate on projects or continuing education opportunities. This exchange keeps you engaged with the latest industry trends and practices, enhancing your professional development.
  • Online Forums and Social Media Groups: Engage with online communities where chiropractors gather to discuss the latest in the field, share case studies, and offer support. Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and specialized forums can be great resources.

Building a network of mentors and peers in the chiropractic field not only helps you navigate the beginning stages of your practice but also enriches your professional life. It provides a foundation of support and continuous learning, ensuring that you are never isolated in your journey. With these relationships, you can confidently grow your practice, knowing you have a community that understands and supports your professional aspirations.

Checklist for Starting a Chiropractic Practice

Starting a chiropractic practice is a journey that requires a mix of passion, precision, and perseverance. With this checklist for starting a chiropractic practice in hand, you’re well on your way to creating a thriving practice that not only heals but also inspires. Remember, every step you take is a step towards transforming lives—including your own.

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