Feeling like your practice should be more profitable?

90% of chiropractors will never reach their full potential because our profession is sadly set up for us to fail. The HerPractice™ Community was created to give you detailed, actionable, and quality results…in half the time & WITHOUT the high-ticket price!


the hp Community for women chiros

see what's included

Get a 1-On-1 Coaching Experience WITHOUT the High-Ticket Price

A Community for Women Chiros Who Want to Increase Their Practice's Profitability Without Burning Out

Tell me if you can resonate with this: you've bravely stepped into the world of private practice, armed with your chiropractic expertise and a heart full of ambition. Mornings now start with tackling the realities of entrepreneurship – from navigating patient acquisition strategies to managing the unforeseen operational hiccups that no one warned you about.

By evening time , as you flip through endless administrative tasks, a daunting thought crosses your mind: "Am I really cut out for this CEO role?" Sure, your chiropractic skills are top-notch, but running a business is a whole different game – one that chiro school didn't quite prepare you for. This is where the real test begins, and where HerPractice™ steps in.

Since you're here, you're probably...

Not earning enough money in your practice to justify the effort and hours spent.

Seeking to enhance your marketing and online presence, but unsure how to effectively leverage digital platforms to grow your patient base and establish your practice online.

Desiring to build a strong business brand, but needing guidance on how to create a distinct and impactful brand identity that resonates with your target audience.

Struggling with effective patient acquisition, looking for proven strategies to attract and retain patients in a competitive healthcare market.

Dealing with entrepreneurial stress, searching for support and resources to manage the pressures of running a business while maintaining personal well-being.

well, guess what?

Change is possible...it might even be staring at you right this second

take a second & imagine if you could...

Implement unique strategies to boost average patient spend, learn cost-cutting tactics that can reduce expenses, and increase monthly revenue by 25%.

Master marketing, SEO, tech, and social media to make your chiropractic practice a beacon in your community, drawing in patients who are seeking exactly what you offer.

Receive structured, step-by-step guidance broken down into actionable tasks, all tailored specifically for your unique practice by a trusted mentor who truly understands the intricacies of your business.

Be part of a vibrant, supportive community, where you're held accountable, cheered on, and guided by fellow women chiropractors, all driven by mutual success and empowerment.

I can help because I've been there. 16 years ago, I felt cheated, tired & overwhelmed.

Anyone else feel like that ONE business class in chiro school didn't prepare them for the real world of entrepreneurship? 🙋🏻‍♀️

I remember my first day in practice as the clock turned 9AM, I sprinted to flip the closed sign to open... CRICKETS.

There I was 3 weeks later and not a single new patient... not one. I knew nothing about marketing, Instagram didn't exisit yet (I know, I know) and noone knew I was even there - let alone that I could help them feel better.

I'd never met a stranger so I thought okay - I'll ask for help.

Unfortunately phone call after email went unanswered from other local Chiros and I realized quickly that I was going to have to learn to swim by jumping in the pool and I that was going to have to teach myself...everything.

And that's exactly what I did.😎

Research, trial & error, fail, regroup, try again, repeat.

I learned everything on how to grow my practice on my own and I'm darn proud to say that I built something pretty special - like the kind of special that reaches a million in collections by year 4, supports my love of travel & helps a whole heck of a lot of people feel better.💁🏻‍♀️

I know my practice isn't a unicorn, there are a lot of successful practices out there... but the bonus mine gave me? I walked away with a CEO-level business education, earned through actual experience.

But all the puzzle pieces you've picked up here and there are actually making it harder for you to get where you want to be because you're spending all your time trying to piece everything together.

That's why I created HerPractice™! It's my mission to help women Chiropractors reach their practice goals faster with me in their back pocket.

I have found that sharing my experience, my secrets, my failures and all the vulnerable up & downs in building my empire of a practice over the last 16 years, I have the ability to be what I was looking for all those years ago.🤍

It wasn't easy but boy did I learn it all.

And don't worry, I took a lot of notes along the way and now...

I get it, but what makes you qualified?

Besides the fact that I built my personal practice From zero to $1M by year 4?

I know how to help.

A practice filled with joy + laughter, where your paycheck matches your effort... one that supports the life you want to live + the loved ones around you or whatever your definition of a dream practice might be

Which is how I can say with 100% confidence…up until now, you’ve probably only gotten bits & pieces of how to build a massively profitable chiropractic practice. But never the complete picture. And not only is this preventing you from hitting your goal...



for women chiropractors


Chiro-Specific Resources, Expert-Led Sessions, and an Inclusive Community Hub

Unlock the full potential of your chiropractic practice with the HerPractice™ Community. Here, you'll find a unique blend of personalized mentorship, strategic business insights, and a supportive network of women chiropractors. It's more than just a community; it's a transformative experience designed to elevate your practice and leadership skills, driving impactful results for your business and personal growth.

this membership is for you if...

You're a new woman chiropractor passionate about taking your practice to the next level, but feel overwhelmed by the nuances of business and leadership.

You value the power of community and are seeking a network of like-minded professionals for support, accountability, and shared growth.

You appreciate structured guidance and mentorship from experienced professionals who understand your journey.

i'm listening, but...

What's Inside?

The Community for All Women Chiropractors

value: $997

This community thrives on forging meaningful connections and engaging in genuine discussions that resonate deeply with your chiropractic practice. It's a space to cultivate relationships with women chiropractors across several niches, to share in the joy of your latest achievements, and to drop knowledge that enriches us all. Together, we're not just building practices; we're building a movement!

Direct Access to Dr. Christina - a 16 Year Chiro Expert

value: $1,297

We hold NOTHING back! Get an incredible opportunity to present your specific challenges and receive direct feedback and strategies from Dr. Christina.

  • A unique opportunity where members join a group call and receive direct, live coaching from Dr. Christina in front of the entire group.
  • This interactive format not only provides personalized advice to the selected members but also offers valuable learning experiences for the entire community, as they witness real-time problem-solving and guidance.

Live Q&A Sessions Twice a Month - w/ Dr. Christina

value: $697

Designed not just to answer queries but also to foster a sense of community and collaborative learning among all participating members.

  • Conducted twice a month through live video meetings, these sessions provide direct access to expert advice and insights.
  • One session each month is hosted by Dr. Christina, , offering diverse perspectives and a wealth of experience.
  • Members are encouraged to submit their questions in advance via a dedicated chat. During the call, these questions are addressed live, ensuring interactive and dynamic group discussions.

Unrestricted Access to the Entire HP Content Library - Updated WEEKLY

value: priceless

Individually purchasing every template would cost more than $1K+!

You'll have immediate access to our extensive Content Library, which includes:

  • Done-for-you templates to simplify your daily operations (no design skills needed!)
  • Guides for deep dives into specific practice areas
  • Workbooks for hands-on learning
  • How-To's for practical application of skills
  • and done-for-you SOP's for standardizing your practice processes

And the best part? New resources are added to the Content Library every Friday! We constantly update our library with fresh content to ensure you have the latest strategies and tools at your disposal.

the hp resource vault

Check out more resources that are inside:

Chiro Facebook & Instagram Ad Templates

In today's digital age, standing out on social media is key to growing your chiropractic office. Our Chiropractor Ad Templates are designed to help you achieve just that, with minimal effort and maximum impact. Start creating engaging, professional ads today and watch your practice thrive!

Branding Workbook for Chiropractors

A journey towards defining the heart and soul of your practice visually. By investing time in your brand's visual identity, you lay the groundwork for recognition, trust, and connection with your patients. Let this workbook be your guide to a brand that's not only seen but felt and remembered.

Chiro New Patient Intake Form Template

The "New Patient Intake Form" is more than just a form; it's the first step towards building a trusting and lasting relationship with your patients. Effortlessly optimize your onboarding process today and set the foundation for a successful patient-practitioner journey.

Review Request Office Sign Templates

Build a stronger, more credible brand that new patients trust. Place these tastefully designed signs in strategic locations within your office, and watch as your practice’s online reputation flourishes, attracting more patients and reinforcing the positive impact of your chiropractic care.













Let’s Talk Investment (a.k.a tax write-off!)

Becoming an exclusive member of HerPractice™ Community! Select the plan that works best for you below to finally accelerate your private practice.

Want to dip your toe in first?

shop the templates a la carte

Not ready for full membership? Explore our templates individually and start transforming your practice today.


Enjoy full access to all community features with the flexibility to pay as you go each month.

Monthly Plan


Commit to a year of growth and save with our annual plan, offering a discounted rate for extended access to all our community benefits.

Annual Plan

what's included:

private community

Unrestricted Access to the Entire HP Content Library

two live Q&A's monthly

live hot seat coaching

what's included:

private community

Unrestricted Access to the Entire HP Content Library

two live Q&A's monthly

live hot seat coaching


The entry-level tier of the HerPractice™ Community, designed to offer you a direct pathway to elevating your practice through accessible and actionable content.

Foundation Plan

what's included:

Unrestricted Access to the Entire HP Content Library


The premium tier of the HerPractice™ Community, designed to for chiropractors ready to expand their reach and enhance their practice through community interaction, live events + courses.

Growth Plan

what's included:

private community

Unrestricted Access to the Entire HP Content Library

two live Q&A's monthly

live hot seat coaching

binge-worthy chiro courses - coming april 2024!



real member results

Dr. O

Dr. Samantha

"I was most impressed with the fact that no question is too small to answer, all of my questions get answered and I always get the warmest welcomes!"

"I'm blessed to know Dr.Christina."

"The HerPractice™ Community boosted my confidence and continues to boost it when I have serious doubts in myself. After joining the community it helped me jump start and not be 'lazy' with follow through because the community keeps me feeling accountable."

"Not only is Dr.Christina smart and wonderful at business but she is kind and compassionate and you can always tell she truly cares about your practice and the success of it."

- Dr. O

- Dr. Samantha

more praise from our past clients

Dr. nikki

"I went from 30 to 80 patient visits a week in 6 months of mentorship with HP & Dr.C. I don't think thank you is enough for changing my practice, my life, my everything but... thank you."

Dr. Alana

“A mentor? It's more like having a partner, honestly. If you choose to work with Dr.Christina in ANY way - you'll be better off for it. She has helped me design my practice around my life. I'm so thankful.”

Dr. Debbie

"I’m blessed that my practice is set up to work for me from the very beginning. I felt lost + honestly scared before working with her. I now feel empowered + like there is no limit to my practice or frankly, my happiness.”

okay, but...i have a question

Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Christina - 16 year Chiro, Founder of Her Practice™

meet the lead mentor

“I’m obsessed with skyrocketing the number of wildly successful women chiropractors!”

Dr. Christina, the visionary founder of Her Practice™, is a trailblazer in the world of chiropractic care, renowned for her innovative approach to women's wellness and business leadership. With over 16 years of experience & her own $1M built from stratch, she has transformed the landscape of chiropractic practice, combining her deep clinical expertise with a passion for empowering fellow women chiropractors. Her journey, marked by resilience and a quest for excellence, has made her a sought-after mentor and coach. 

Dr. Christina's commitment to fostering growth and success in others is the cornerstone of Her Practice™, where she dedicates herself to helping women in the chiropractic field achieve their full potential as practitioners and business leaders.

Dr. Morgan

meet the director of community DEVELOPMENT 

“Building a prosperous practice is not just possible but pleasurable and profoundly rewarding.”

From the emergency room to the chiropractic office, Dr. Morgan's journey is nothing short of inspiring. With a solid foundation in biology, chiropractic, and nursing, she brings a unique blend of expertise and real-world experience to our team. As a mom of three who has juggled diapers, night shifts, and spinal adjustments, she gets the grind—literally.

Dr. Morgan jumped at the chance to join the HerPractice™ team because, let's face it, this profession is life-changing, but the field is sadly set up for us to fail. Remember those chiro school promises? Part-time hours, full-time pay, and the ability to have all the things? Well, they conveniently skipped the chapter on 'How-To', and that’s a sad truth Dr. Morgan is passionate about alleviating. 

After tripling her practice's growth in just three months through HerPractice™ programs, Morgan now aims to pay it forward by guiding other women chiropractors to achieve similar success. As the Director of Community Development of HerPractice™, she tirelessly works to connect with women chiropractors, spreading the word about the transformative potential of HerPractice™. 

ready to grab your spot?

Join the Her Practice™ Community Today & Unlock the Secrets to a 7-Figure Chiro Practice!

Don't miss the chance to be at the forefront of this groundbreaking journey – where your voice, experience, and growth are pivotal. Act now to be a part of creating a legacy in the world of chiropractic care!

CANCELLATION Due to the digital nature of our products and services, we do not offer any refunds or returns for any reason. You may cancel your subscription at any time.

NO WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS, GUARANTEES The company gives no warranties with respect to any aspect of the program or any materials related thereto or offered in connection with the program and, to the fullest extent possible under the laws governing these terms of service, disclaims all implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, timeliness, and merchantability. By purchasing the program, you accept, agree, and understand that you are fully responsible for your progress and results from your participation and that we offer no representations, warranties, or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding your future earnings, business profit, marketing performance, audience growth, or results of any kind. The company does not guarantee that you will get any results using any of our ideas, tools, strategies, or recommendations, and nothing in our program is a promise or guarantee to you of such results. Information provided about or in the program is subject to change. Company makes no representation or warranty that the information provided, regardless of its source, is accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free. company disclaims all liability for any inaccuracy, error, or incompleteness in the program.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY You agree that under no circumstances will the company be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, or punitive damages (including lost profits) arising out of or relating to these terms of service or the transactions it contemplates (whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence, or other form of action) and irrespective of whether the company has been advised of the possibility of any such damage. In no event will the company’s liability exceed the price you actually paid to the company for the program.