It All Began When They Said "No."
It All Began When They Said "No."
It's 2008 (no the US economy hasn't crashed yet, that's still a nice surprise for me in a few months), and I'm sitting across from a middle aged man in a poor fitting polo and dirty jeans. He was the 12th bank to tell me "NO" to the much needed business loan I was asking for.
All though the answer was the same, this one was different because he decided to give me some (very much unsolicited) advice:
my story
"You'll never make it in business and I suggest you put this dream of yours to bed."
The Christina that I am today would have had a quick wit, full-of-sass & perfectly constructed come back in a single breath. But instead, the 25 year old me thanked him for his time and walked out, holding back tears until my car door shut.
And then I cried in my car.
All I wanted was a chance. I just needed a little help to get started. I knew I could help people, I knew I could be a different kind of Chiropractor, I just KNEW it but I needed someone to believe in me.
After wiping my tears, fixing my makeup and getting a quick pep talk from my mom, I drove to the 13th (+last shot) bank on my list. In their history, this bank had never given a Chiropractor a loan. But as I stood there, choking back tears, I simply asked for a chance to HELP people...they felt my transparency, genuineness, and passion...and they said YES.
The doors to my practice opened 3 months later.