Past Client Snapshots

Interested in seeing if together we could create success like this for you? Check out some of the kind words our past clients have shared!


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- Dr. Samantha

HP™ Pirvate Client

Her Practice™️ Case Studies

take it from her...

"There are not enough words to explain the difference she has made, not only in my practice, but in me as an individual professional and person."

Dr. Madeline is creating the clinic of her dreams

Man, where do I start?

Dr. Christina helped me level up in literally every category of my practice. From action steps to EHR, we were able to move in a forward direction. I went from feeling stagnant, with new things being added to my messy pile daily, to listing things out, making a game plan, and executing. She has kept me on track and focused!!

Prior to working with HerPractice™, I felt really alone in running my business. I was up the creek without a paddle, if you know what I mean. I was stressed out and overwhelmed.. it was getting really hard. Dr. Christina stepped in and immediately became my teammate. Nothing in my business was off the table and I've come to feel like there is not a mess too sticky that her and I cannot work together to clean up. It has given me hope, excitement, and joy in running this practice and creating the clinic of my dreams. 

When HerPractice™ ads started popping up on my facebook, I didn't pay much attention. However, it was consistent enough that I finally was like, "you know what? fine. I'll check this out." From the first zoom I had with Dr. Christina, I knew she was an answer to my prayers. She is driven, intelligent and kind. She is supportive and task oriented. She is relational and professional. I went from stressed out, disorganized, and insecure in running a business to where I am genuinely excited for my admin hours now. I feel like she took me from a place of surviving my vocation into dreaming about all that it can be. She helped restore my passion and filled in the gaps where I was lacking experience and knowledge. There are not enough words to explain the difference she has made, not only in my practice, but in me as an individual professional and person. I value her support with my dearest sincerity. I have told my staff that if it came down to receiving my full paycheck or keeping onboard with Dr. Christina, I would personally reallocate the funds.

She is simply the best. 

Man, where do I start?

Dr. Christina helped me level up in literally every category of my practice. From action steps to EHR, we were able to move in a forward direction. I went from feeling stagnant, with new things being added to my messy pile daily, to listing things out, making a game plan, and executing. She has kept me on track and focused!!

Prior to working with HerPractice™, I felt really alone in running my business. I was up the creek without a paddle, if you know what I mean. I was stressed out and overwhelmed.. it was getting really hard. Dr. Christina stepped in and immediately became my teammate. Nothing in my business was off the table and I've come to feel like there is not a mess too sticky that her and I cannot work together to clean up. It has given me hope, excitement, and joy in running this practice and creating the clinic of my dreams. 

When HerPractice™ ads started popping up on my facebook, I didn't pay much attention. However, it was consistent enough that I finally was like, "you know what? fine. I'll check this out." From the first zoom I had with Dr. Christina, I knew she was an answer to my prayers. She is driven, intelligent and kind. She is supportive and task oriented.

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"There are not enough words to explain the difference she has made, not only in my practice, but in me as an individual professional and person."

Dr. Madeline

She is relational and professional. I went from stressed out, disorganized, and insecure in running a business to where I am genuinely excited for my admin hours now. I feel like she took me from a place of surviving my vocation into dreaming about all that it can be. She helped restore my passion and filled in the gaps where I was lacking experience and knowledge. There are not enough words to explain the difference she has made, not only in my practice, but in me as an individual professional and person. I value her support with my dearest sincerity. I have told my staff that if it came down to receiving my full paycheck or keeping onboard with Dr. Christina, I would personally reallocate the funds.

She is simply the best. 

"I’ve been blessed with a handful of Chiropractic mentors in the past 17 years of practice, but Dr. Christina has been the icing on the cake! 🧁"

"I’ve been blessed with a handful of Chiropractic mentors in the past 17 years of practice, but Dr. Christina has been the icing on the cake! 🧁"

Dr. Melinda has been hungry for practice results + finally seeing them!

Dr. Melinda has been hungry for practice results + finally seeing them!

I just really love how you have encouraged me to trust myself. I am impressed with how attentive you are and helpful. I also appreciate the added effort to implement ads and help me make cute canva material. You weren’t just like go do it, but always asking how can I help you take that off my plate. I really appreciate your attitude of success also. ♥️

I’ve been blessed with a handful of Chiropractic mentors in the past 17 years of practice, but Dr. Christina has been the icing on the cake! 🧁 I’ve been so hungry for results in practice always feeling like I had to spin so many plates of choices and decisions. Dr. Christina helped me focus and keeps me on track with tasks and procedures in practice that makes me have clarity and ease. I love how she has experience and accomplished the goals I want to achieve. She is so fun and energetic to work with and has amazing skills and knowledge to share. Most of all, as a business owner, what I love most is how invested she is into my results. And they are showing up! She’s more than a coach telling me what to do, she walks me through things, holds me accountable and checks-in, this makes it personable. That’s why I can say she’s the best! She has the biggest heart of service. I’m so grateful to work with you Dr. Christina!!!!

(Seriously the best..ever! 😍)

I just really love how you have encouraged me to trust myself. I am impressed with how attentive you are and helpful. I also appreciate the added effort to implement ads and help me make cute canva material. You weren’t just like go do it, but always asking how can I help you take that off my plate. I really appreciate your attitude of success also. ♥️

I’ve been blessed with a handful of Chiropractic mentors in the past 17 years of practice, but Dr. Christina has been the icing on the cake! 🧁 I’ve been so hungry for results in practice always feeling like I had to spin so many plates of choices and decisions. Dr. Christina helped me focus and keeps me on track with tasks and procedures in practice that makes me have clarity and ease. I

next case study →

Dr. Melinda

 love how she has experience and accomplished the goals I want to achieve. She is so fun and energetic to work with and has amazing skills and knowledge to share. Most of all, as a business owner, what I love most is how invested she is into my results. And they are showing up! She’s more than a coach telling me what to do, she walks me through things, holds me accountable and checks-in, this makes it personable. That’s why I can say she’s the best! She has the biggest heart of service. I’m so grateful to work with you Dr. Christina!!!!

(Seriously the best..ever! 😍)

"Dr. Christina been a god-send for my business, She’s like a little Chiropractic business fairy that I always have in my back pocket."

Dr. Erin has grown in ways she never thought possible

Believing that I could really do this on my own and achieve my big goals. I always knew it would be difficult on my own but having Dr. Christina has made it feel like I’m not going at this alone. Not only have you helped with my business but you’ve helped me personally in more ways than one. I seriously cant thank you enough! 

I am the most impressed by the level of support and how uniquely catered this whole mentorship is to me and my business. Coming from a business coaching program where it was cookie cutter video watching, have everyone do the same thing etc. I was shocked at how personally catered the coaching was to me. Dr. Christina listened intently to my dreams and goals and made sure that every single thing we did was with that goal in mind.

I also just really appreciate all the expertise you have in so many areas!  

I get choked up a little even writing this. Dr. Christina and the HerPractice Mentorship has been the best thing to ever happen to me and my business. I learnt the hard way that choosing the RIGHT business coach for you, is not a decision to be taken lightly. I was using a business coach prior to meeting Dr. Christina, that was giving the same cookie cutter advice to everyone, no matter the structure or type of business they were running. Dr. Christina, from the very get-go, showed me that every single thing we did together was going to be personalized and catered to MY business and with my big “North Star Goal” in mind. She’s like a little Chiropractic business fairy that I always have in my back pocket.

next case study →

She is always available to answer my questions, no matter what facet of my business it’s about. She is constantly open ears on ideas, thoughts, issues, rants, and has no problems giving it to me straight, with full honesty and transparency, but always with great explanations and reasoning. She gives you the space to work at whatever pace you choose, while still giving you nudges to stay on track and achieve your goals. Not only has Dr. Christina been a god-send for my business, but she even showed me an immense amount of compassion and almost became like a therapist while I went through some really hard times in my personal life. 

In today’s society, people like Dr. Christina are hard to find. She’s on top of her game and your game at all times, caring and compassionate, knows her shit in all things business, and is just a joy to be around (albeit virtual)! 

 Over the past 8 months, my business has grown in ways I never thought possible in that amount of time. I’ve gone from a few patients a week, to having a full schedule of patients and on the brink of a big expansion. And we’re not done yet!

Being a solo business owner can be incredibly lonely and overwhelming. The personalized business coaching from Dr. Christina and the HerPractice Mentorship is next to none, providing so much support you never feel like you’re going at it alone. A successful badass woman chiropractor, helping other woman chiropractors succeed in business…it doesn’t get much more niche or better than that! 

Dr. Erin

"Working with HerPractice™ has been nothing short of transformative for me and my practice.. "


Before our mentorship began, I found myself in a place of deep uncertainty and doubt, unsure of how to continue navigating my practice. Dr. Christina with HerPractice not only provided expert guidance and invaluable business strategies but also became a steadfast source of support and encouragement.

Her unwavering belief in my potential, coupled with her tireless dedication to my success, lifted me up on even the toughest days. She didn't just teach me about business; she showed me what true mentorship looks like—standing by my side, sharing in the struggles, and celebrating every victory, big or small.

Thanks to her guidance and commitment, my practice has not only survived but thrived. She didn't just save my practice; she saved me, giving me hope and a renewed sense of purpose. I am forever grateful for her wisdom, her generosity, and the genuine care she has shown me and my family.

In short, Dr. Christina with HerPractice didn't just help me build a better business; she helped me build a brighter future—for myself, my family, and all those I have the privilege to serve. Words truly can't express the depth of my gratitude and true impact she has had on my business/ practice.

Off the bat, I was immediately excited about the constant line of communication that was kept throughout our entire process, I eagerly looked forward to every single one of her voice notes. I was amazed by Dr. Christina's unparalleled depth of knowledge and expertise. As a female professional in the business world, she stands out as one of the most knowledgeable individuals I've had the pleasure of working with, quite frankly I don't ever want to STOP working with.

What truly sets Dr. Christina apart is her remarkable ability to not only educate but also devise comprehensive action plans across a broad spectrum of areas. Her proficiency is such that she effectively covers ground that would typically require the expertise of multiple specialists. In fact, her understanding of key aspects such as Google algorithms and website optimization surpassed that of any other professional I've engaged with previously— and believe me, I've worked with over three in this domain alone.

next case study →

I was truly floored by her depth of insight, her strategic execution, and her remarkable capacity to keep me focused and on track amidst the complexities of business development. Dr. Christina's guidance has been instrumental in streamlining my approach and achieving tangible results, and for that, I am incredibly grateful.
Dr. Christina isn't just a mentor; she's a trusted ally who treats your business as her own. When I was ready to throw in the towel, she showed me that success was still within reach. Her thoughtful guidance and unwavering support helped me find my path in the business world and beyond.

What sets Dr. Christina apart is her commitment to making your vision a reality. She doesn't just offer solutions; she helps you tailor them to fit your unique goals, ensuring the best possible outcome. Whether you're navigating uncharted territory or refining your current approach, she's there every step of the way, guiding you towards success.

Having Dr. Christina in your corner isn't just beneficial for your business; it's essential. Her expertise, dedication, and genuine care make her a lifelong friend and invaluable asset. I'm grateful to have her support now and for years to come.

Dr. Morgan

"There are not enough words to explain the difference she has made, not only in my practice, but in me as an individual professional and person."

Dr. jennifer is no longer stuck but pushing forward building her empire.

Having a sounding board and cheerleader in my pocket when I’m faced with intense practice decisions gives the confidence I need to push forward.

Super excited about having the voxer app because it’s like we were there in the moment to work through stuff together. 

Highly recommend HerPractice™ as a solo practitioner it’s given me that extra confidence boost and second pair of eyes on everything from strategy planning to just life problem solutions. 


Dr. Jennifer

"I was able to open a 2nd office and hire my first doctor at one year into practice. "

Dr. Sydney can literally not be stopped.

The biggest shift I had with my HerPractice™ Mentorship is having someone to hold you accountable and offer business advice and systems for the things they have seen work. I was able to open a 2nd office and hire my first doctor at one year into practice. 

I was most impressed with the hands on help Dr. Christina was, especially in the beginning with negotiating leases, drafting doctor contracts and helping with back-end website mishaps.
It felt so good having someone to lean on when I knew I didn't have all the tools necessary to push forward.
I also enjoy that Dr. Christina offers advice that works now - not things that worked 20 years ago for chiropractors.😅

Dr. Christina has been an amazing mentor in helping me accomplish my future practice goals. She has helped me build out and organize systems, automate things, draft up contracts, negotiate leases, strategize SEO and so much more. I love how hands on she is and that she gives practical and step by step instructions for accomplishing the tasks that move the needle forward. I love that she has become a bestie / mentor who is in my pocket and will listen to a rant of a crazy patient encounter and or get down to the nitty gritty solution of why something may not be working.

She truly is there to listen and support through it all!



"Dr. Christina was the corner piece to my clinical practice puzzle."

Dr. dawn harrell has a vision + the path is clear.

Having a colleague and, dare I say, friend to bounce all of my crazy ideas off. I have the vision, and Dr. Christina helps me follow the steps to fulfill my whims.

I’ve been most impressed by Dr. Christina’s knowledge and pleasantly surprised by her accessibility. She never ceases to amaze me that she can answer my “calls” quickly although she has an insanely busy practice and other clients as well. I always feel like I’m the most important person for her to talk to.

Working with HerPractice and Dr. Christina was the corner piece to my clinical practice puzzle. I was in a place of confusion when I found HerPractice and now the path is clear. We have a vision of where my practice can go and steps to get there. I would (and have) recommended her to any female clinician who wants to grow and become the best version of their self.


Dr. Dawn Harrell

"Dr. C is just an amazing human being :)"

Dr. Puja has Peace of mind & less anxiety running a business.

I cannot recommend Dr. Christina highly enough!! She is one of the most genuine people I have met. From our first Zoom call, I knew I had to work with her. Her personalized approach and unwavering support have been invaluable. She took the time to truly understand my practice, my goals, and my challenges and then crafted a customized plan to meet my goals. Running a business gets really really lonely. Once I started working with Dr. Christina, I didn't feel that way anymore. One of the things I appreciate the most about Dr. Christina is her genuine commitment to my success. She will do everything in her power to make sure you are successful. She celebrated my wins as if they were her own and provided unwavering support during difficult times. Not only has she helped my practice grow, she has helped me grow as a person and entrepreneur.
 Working with Dr. Christina is the best thing I did for myself and my practice! She truly goes above and beyond with her clients and I am so so grateful our paths crossed!

If you want to grow your practice, I would highly recommend Dr. Christina. She will provide the strategies, accountability, and inspiration to build the thriving practice you've dreamed out.

She is truly the best!!


Dr. Puja

"Excellent systems & stratgies"

Dr. dalton has her marketing and automation on point.

I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Christina in the HerPractice mentorship, it was an outstanding experience. Dr. Christina's cheery demeanor and extensive knowledge in every aspect of business made our time together incredibly valuable. She has a unique ability to immerse herself in your business, understanding its nuances and needs without imposing her own model. While she offers excellent systems and strategies, she customizes them to fit your specific business context, ensuring they enhance rather than overshadow your vision. Her practical advice and supportive nature have been instrumental in helping me navigate challenges and seize opportunities. I am deeply grateful for the insights and confidence gained through this mentorship. My biggest shift is getting marketing better managed and automated. As well as set the business up to hire another staff member.

No matter how your day was you came in wholeheartedly you and led with your heart when trying to help my business 🫶🏼


Dr. Dalton

"Dr Christina is amazing at taking what is in your mind and helping you create an execution path."

Dr. Kristy has "Accountability and Massive Movement."

I have to say, Dr Christina is my biggest supporter and that feels so good. She truly believes in what we are doing with our practice and WOW, it shows. Her energy, her compassion, her organization - I knew that I was goal-oriented and an action taker but I have been able to 10x my game because of her support.

I can't even tell you how I originally found HerPractice but I am so glad I did. I think it was through Instagram. I wasn't looking for a coach specifically but I was searching for some kind of course on how to be more structured when creating a new business and how the algorithms connected us, I am not sure but they did! I have had coaches in different aspects and seasons of my life that have gotten me to the point I am at now so I did understand quite a bit about what I needed to accomplish but doing things on your own gets quite difficult without accountability. Dr Christina was that accountability partner who also gave me amazing ideas because many times you are so stuck in your ways, that you can't see the clear path. I have been able to accomplish so much more, and at a much quicker pace than if I were to go at it on my own. I would highly recommend HerPractice. It has been a wonderful experience and our practice is leaps and bounds ahead of where it was only a few months ago!
Accountability and Massive Movement is my biggest shift because Dr Christina is amazing at taking what is in your mind and helping you create an execution path.  


Dr. Kristy

Kind Words from Past Clients

Dr. Lindsey - 2 year chiro

“Dr.Christina taught me how to kick a*s and I am so blessed because of it!”

If you're debating on if you should work with her - JUST DO IT - its the best decision you'll ever make!

01 / 06


“I'm beyond grateful.”

Dr.Christina, you listened to my dream, treated it like your own then gave me the actual tools to build it while supporting me each step of the way. 

02 / 06


“A mentor? It's more like having a partner, honestly. So helpful!”

If you choose to work with Dr.Christina in ANY way - you'll be better off for it. She has helped me design my practice around my life. I'm so thankful.

03 / 06


"Dr. Christina makes your practice her priority, your dreams her mission & doesn't hold anything back."

04 / 06

DR. nikki

"I went from 30 to 80 patient visits a week in 6 months of mentorship with HP & Dr.C. I don't think thank you is enough for changing my practice, my life, my everything but... thank you."

05 / 06

DR. debbie - 3 year CHIRO

"I feel like I was meant to find + work with Dr.Christina."

I’m blessed that my practice is set up to work for me from the very beginning. I felt lost + honestly scared before working with her. I now feel empowered + like there is no limit to my practice or frankly, my happiness

06 / 06